A couple of research evidence sources could be potentially useful in answering the PICOT question stated above. They include research articles by Subermaniam et al. (2017) and Johnson (2015). The criteria used to determine the articles’ potential to answer the PICOT question identified above comprised appraising the evidence sources’ validity based on whether they adopted an experimental research approach and underwent the peer-review process. Additionally, the selection criteria involved evaluating the manuscripts’ usefulness based on their focus topics’ relevance to the PICOT question highlighted in the paragraph above. The evaluation process revealed that Subermaniam et al.’s (2017) document and Johnson’s (2015) paper present the findings of experimental studies that strictly adhered to the scientific research process. Additionally, the articles are peer-reviewed sources that focus on the topic of bed absence detectors and safety rounds’ effectiveness in preventing falls among hospitalized patients, implying that they are valid, credible, and relevant enough to contribute to answering the PICOT question mentioned above

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